Foam Fixed-Wing Drone
I have been building Remote Controlled (RC) airplanes since I was a kid. So this is actually just an RC airplane build. However, since the controller in it is capable of keeping the wings level and flying to a destination without my direct input, I have to concede that this is truly a drone.
To most, a Drone is a quad-copter. To me, they are all Remote Control aircraft regardless of their configuration, and Drone only defines that it can fly itself.
On this build, I used a CNC router to 3D mill the wing and fuselage from solid foam. The following is a photo album of that build:
The wing is a flat bottom design. This makes it a bit easier to fabricate, but there are a couple of steps that have to be done by hand. If the bottom was to be curved, the two options are to:
Mill the top, mill a holder which matches the upside-down wing, and then mill the bottom.
Separately mill a top and a bottom surface and then glue them together (easiest method).
The top surface of the wing was milled with the Worktable CNC and a long bit:
A time-lapse video of the milling:
The rough cut wing:
A groove was cut on the bottom surface to receive a spar:
The bottom surface of the leading edge was rounded over:
The wing was sanded smooth:
Spars were glued in. The packing tape holds them in place while the glue dries:
The following step deviates from those who use vacuum bagging to fiberglass the outside.
First you lightly glue the surface with spray glue, such as 3M Super 77 or similar.
Then, using a plastic card, you stick the dry glass in place: straight and wrinkle-free.
Finally, using a plastic card you spread a thin layer of epoxy into the glass.
The ailerons are cut using a straight edge and a razor:
And then the bottom-front of the ailerons are beveled for clearance:
Using plastic screen-door screen, a hinge is cut and hot-melt glued into place:
The fuselage is cut:
(Sorry... not quite finished with this)